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The Future of your Utility Bill

by | Aug 24, 2022 | Solar Technology | 0 comments

Here are some inevitable truths about grid electricity:

Your Bill Will Increase

Historically electricity prices have increased by 10% to 15% every year. General inflation and price instability in the costs of conventional fuels and irregular maintenance and efficiency of power plants result in all such rising costs transferring to you, the end customer. Which in turn keeps electricity prices on an always upward trend.

Load Shedding Can Return

Unwanted and unsuitable decisions to bridge the demand and supply gaps means that the grid production costs are soaring and conventional power plants become unfeasible over time. Bring in ever rising demand and we are land right back into the same situation again where half our day we used stare at dark bulbs and silent air conditioners.

Electricity will become even more expensive

You Have No Control

With ever-changing grid electricity unit prices and a lack of alternative suppliers, you are always at risk of another price hike. As you depend on a single grid electricity supplier, you have no control over the availability, price, and quality of your grid electricity. You have no control over what you will get and how and when you will be charged.

Your Electricity Bill Is A Debt

Historically electricity prices have increased by 10% to 15% every year. General inflation and price instability in the costs of conventional fuels and irregular maintenance and efficiency of power plants result in all such rising costs being transferred to you, the end customer. Which in turn keeps electricity prices on an always upward trend.

Solar is an Opportunity

Any chance to eliminate debt is a fantastic opportunity for you and your family, and needs to be taken seriously. When the debt is owed to an expensive grid, the only SYMPL solution is solar.


Go Solar now and get independence from Utility Grid forever.