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Cheap Solar

by | Mar 28, 2023 | Solar Technology | 0 comments

“Cheap solar is like a bad haircut, You regret it later!”

It is easy to be tempted to buy low cost solar system offered by some shady vendors. But just like a cheap, inexpensive haircut, going for the lowest cost solar energy system can have some serious consequences.

Let’s talk about quality. Just like a cheap haircut with uneven layers and split ends, a cheap solar system made with low-quality products won’t last long. Cheap solar system starts degrading soon or won’t give you enough energy production to cover the bills.

Just like a bad haircut leaves you unsatisfied with the style you have to carry for a month, a cheap vendor may not have the technical expertise to properly design and install the system leading to poor performance and no after-sales services.

But perhaps the biggest similarity between a cheap haircut and a cheap solar system is the regret you will feel later on. The time and money you invest in the process will go to waste.

So, just like you don’t trust your hair with a shady salon, don’t trust your solar system to a vendor that cannot guarantee quality and zero electricity bills for a lifetime.

At Sympl Energy, we pride ourselves on providing top-of-the-line solar energy system designed and installed by the certified experienced engineers. We may not be the cheapest option out there but we guarantee you’ll be happy with Sympl Energy for years to come. And isn’t that worth a little extra money?

Enjoy the peace of mind that we take care of your system with excellent after sales services and ensure your zero electricity bills for a lifetime.