
How can we help you?

Illustration of a home with solar panels by sympl energy pakistan

Residential Solar Solutions

Affordable and Reliable Solar Energy for your home

Illustration of a commercial building with solar panels by sympl energy pakistan

Commercial Solar Solutions

Reduce the operating expenses of your commercial entity

Illustration of a factory with solar panels by sympl energy pakistan

Industrial Solar Solution

Reduce your carbon footprint while saving big on Electricity Expenses

Power agriculture with solar

Agricultural Solar Solutions

Use solar irrigation systems to feed your crops

Green battery

Power Backup

Explore options for high quality battery backup solutions

Knowledge Base


Powering through Blackouts

Jan 27, 2023 | Insights

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20 kW Solar System Price in Pakistan

Solar Systems have been a huge success in Pakistan and all over the world because of their cost-effectiveness and ability to generate clean and affordable electricity. As it stands, solar energy is by far the cheapest source of electricity in the world. As Pakistan...

5KW Solar System Price in Pakistan

5KW Solar System Price in Pakistan

If you are tired of paying high electricity bills and wondering about the 5KW Solar System Price in Pakistan, you have come to the right place. If your average consumption is 6000 to 7000 units, then a 5kW solar system is the perfect solution for you. Keep on reading...

10KW Solar System Price in Pakistan

If you are tired of paying high electricity bills and wondering about the 10KW Solar System Price in Pakistan, you have come to the right place. If your average consumption is 12,000 to 14,000 units, then a 10kW solar system is the perfect solution for you. Keep on...

30 kW Solar System Price in Pakistan

Solar Systems have been a huge success in Pakistan and all over the world because of their cost-effectiveness and ability to generate clean and affordable electricity. As it stands, solar energy is by far the cheapest source of electricity in the world. As Pakistan...

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Solar Cost in Pakistan?

Solar energy systems are becoming increasingly popular in Pakistan, but before you install one on your residential or commercial property,...